By elijahrobrt - 07/01/2012 06:48 - United States

Today, I went to a great concert. Against all odds, I got to meet the band. All I had for them to autograph was a flyer protesting their concert that was given to me on the way in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 367
You deserved it 5 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments


nikkichick42401 0

Actually...that made it a great autograph!

sbjess 8

That's what you get for liking Nickelback

Why would you even hold onto a flyer protesting a concert you liked?

TraceCase_ 19

Yeah, anyway, when someone hands you a flyer it's like saying, "Here, YOU throw this away!" -RIP Mitch Hedberg

Im sure the band would have liked it. They would have thought it was cool, plus it would be a rather unique souvenir to sell later on.

You should write to them, send back the signed flyer and also send a nice poster of them to sign. Add the postage for return. If you have any pictures of the concert you attended, add them.

havocmike 3

Yea I don't see the problem. That sounds meta and awesome

stoneywoney 3

That's actually pretty awesome. I hope you showed it to the protesters on your way out.