By Female - 12/02/2010 03:32 - United States

Today, I went to a conference for work. When I got there I sat beside a woman about my age. She immediately got up and moved to the opposite side of the room. We were the only two there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 643
You deserved it 6 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you sit right beside her if you were the only two there in the first place? You probably creeped her the **** out.

Maybe it's just cause I'm British but personally I'd do the same. Why did you feel you had to sit right beside her? She probably just doesn't like strangers in her personal space. I highly doubt it was anything to do with you.


You're the person that keeps sitting next to me and my date in the empty theatre.... knock it off! :P

id do the same, thats like the 1 space urinal rule! why the hell would you sit next to the person if 150 chairs are empty? you fckin stalker!

haha true that. unnofficial rules but rules all the same! like ur gonna be talking to other people in a conference anyway.

crzyry 6

Maybe OP's cat peed on her sweater this morning. :-)

Did you sit beisde her, as in several seats away? Or in the chair directly beside her? In my opinion, only two people in a room with plenty of chairs, no reason to sit directly beside her.

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

how come the order of the comments get all messed up and like when I post something and then it dissapears?

skyeyez9 24

Either there were plenty of seats and she got creeped you sat next to her, or she recognized you from somewhere....and had a bad expierence (like a terrible one night stand or something like that.