By Tara - 01/05/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, I went tanning for 15 min at my gym. When I got out no one was there, all of the lights were off, and the alarm started going off. Turns out the people working forgot about me, locked up, and left me there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 471
You deserved it 5 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess it's proof that fake baking is ridiculous

FMLandurstoo 9

you were so hot so the smoke detector went off


72, how is stating medical theories making them "retarded". You can't even form a sentence, let alone have the right to comment on their intellectual abilities. It's generally common knowledge that all styles of uv tanning can increase (not cause) skin cancer. Stop being a dumb ass.

kh8975 4

this kind of remind me of final destination 3 except you didn't burn to death.

Octwo 16

Who'd have thought that along with the other potentially cancer causing practices, people still haven't given up crying and trying to ridicule others into not using tanning beds because of the health issues? I guess the kiddies need something after giving up their crusade on smoking. I'll also mention before I get kiddy-raged at, I neither drink, tan, or smoke.

marshmallowmouse 0

you went tanning at closing time?

jenaandtyler4eva 0

sue them for doing that and then go somewhere else for your tanning

dheinzen2 1

that's there falt not yours I don't get why people always say u deserve it

madamsatine2008 0

what's she gonna do?? put a treadmill in her back pocket?

TraceCase_ 19

Except the alarm started going off so the police were undoubtedly on the way. Plus, most places have security cameras. Nowadays, that fantasy (definitely comes from 80's movies and maybe an old episode of Saved by the Bell) just would never work out. You'd end up with criminal charges against you and an embarrassing video on YouTube.