By no_hullabalo - 04/09/2009 14:50 - Taiwan

Today, I went para sailing for the first time ever. My friends thought it would be funny to pull down my trunks right before my feet left the boat. I dangled there in the air for the whole resort to see. And I lost my shorts in the ocean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 827
You deserved it 3 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's funny when it doesn't happen to you.

djb23 0

haha i can picture all the taiwanese girls "OOO HEEHEEHEEE IS SO SMAU!!"


proud_liberal 0

Wow, you are beyond stupid for repeating that sentence using you're instead of your, which at least the other two repeaters did.

turboawesome88 0

Yeah, how dare she not piss on the English language with her cursed correct spelling!

That spelling means 'you are' not the possessive 'your'. It is wrong in context. Think before

katsoplat 0


People dont care about First comment anymore. 69th is all the rage.

katsoplat 0

There is a porpoise with a new pair of undies.

reidtruett 0

this is yet another reason why guys wear boxers under their bathing suit.

I'm sure some of the girls on the beach were getting a thrill out of it.

blah123blah 0

Wasn't the only thing that dangled there.