By LifeAndLemons95 - 18/08/2016 08:23 - Denmark

Today, I was wondering why my cheap and overall great apartment had been available for so long. After some research, it's now pretty clear: my landlord is, apparently, a well-known slumlord. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 307
You deserved it 1 400

LifeAndLemons95 tells us more.

Hi! I'm the OP (as you can probably tell) and I should probably explain some things. This happened a while back but it's a great lesson in being more critical. First, #8 is very right with the explanation of the term. Also, I said "cheap" because it was actually affordable and quite fair in size contrary to many others where you're promised 13m2 for about 450$ more or less. Second, I didn't sign the lease. I only checked to see if they were actually legit owners of the place since many get scammed that way. I didn't think about checking if they were actually good at what they're doing. That was pretty naive of me and definitely a lesson learned. I'm very sorry for all of you who had to experience this, and I hope you're in a better apartment now where you feel like you're heard and respected. Also, thank you to all of you who showed me sympathy even if you didn't know how it turned out. It's really sweet of you. :) Last, I'd like to say that I'm not ungrateful and I'd never dare to be! I'm easily excited and I am thankful for all fortunes in life. It's not an issue of being grateful or not but rather about being in a situation that is safe and comfortable. I didn't feel either of those when I found out and I had to react to that. I hope you understand! Okay. Ramble over. I hope that cleared up a bit of your questions!

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A slumlord (or slum landlord) is a derogatory term for a landlord, generally an absentee landlord with more than one property, who attempts to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods. so basically, the landlord is never around and doesnt really give a shit. If you need help or something breaks down, good luck getting help from your landlord, as they will ignore your calls and try to fix things as cheaply and poorly done as possible if they do ever get around to fixing it. I once had a slumlord and the tenant on top of me had a leak in their dishwasher so every time they did a load of dishes it leaked into my apartment and flooded my kitchen. It took 6 months of both of us complaining for anything to be done about it. Then he got his friend to fix the issue, rather than a plumber, and it happened again within 2 months. I left as soon as my lease was up and now my landlord fixes any issues I have within a week of me reporting the issue.


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Pretend to be a drug lord. Put some fear into him. He might get scared a treat you better.

Well atleast you got a place to live. Some people don't have that unfortunately :(

lukcy_basartd 11

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That's not the point yo, a landlord is supposed to address your issues. It's part of the job. I'm sure OP isn't being ungrateful for the roof over his head.

OP lives in Denmark. I am fairly certain nearly every person in Denmark have higher than the global average of everything so by your logic they're never allowed to complain about anything.

Can confirm, Danne, Denmark is ******* paradise in regards to homes.

A slumlord (or slum landlord) is a derogatory term for a landlord, generally an absentee landlord with more than one property, who attempts to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods. so basically, the landlord is never around and doesnt really give a shit. If you need help or something breaks down, good luck getting help from your landlord, as they will ignore your calls and try to fix things as cheaply and poorly done as possible if they do ever get around to fixing it. I once had a slumlord and the tenant on top of me had a leak in their dishwasher so every time they did a load of dishes it leaked into my apartment and flooded my kitchen. It took 6 months of both of us complaining for anything to be done about it. Then he got his friend to fix the issue, rather than a plumber, and it happened again within 2 months. I left as soon as my lease was up and now my landlord fixes any issues I have within a week of me reporting the issue.

I honestly don't know why this got so many thumbs up. It was an honest question that I didn't know the answer to XD

most comments are stupid or annoying. so an honest comment typically gets many 1s

That means many other people had the same question

In Muscat, where I was brought up, we used to pay for most of plumbing/electricity repairs ourselves rather than the landlord. Not sure if it's different elsewhere.

In western countries it's pretty standard that if you are renting you aren't responsible for major repairs.

ham814 8

well get ready becuase its probably gonna be a long year (assuming you signed a lease). Dealt with slumlords more than once, its not easy

The definition of slumlord I looked up is that properties are charged at extoritinate rates but you just said your property was cheap. So how are they a slumlord?

aredvulpix 23

Good luck, OP. It's going to be a long year!