By SprinklerDodger - 08/06/2012 23:54 - Denmark - Odense

Today, I was woken up by a noise coming from the bathroom. Upon investigation, I discovered my very drunk, giggling girlfriend attempting to urinate standing up. Carefully note the word "attempting". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 710
You deserved it 2 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's why you don't over drink ladies and gentleman

yoursucklives 36


Hope your bathroom floor has tile/linoleum ;) if not, that'll be a pain to get out of carpet.

Since when has anyone had a carpeted bathroom? I have never seen it. If you have, the person who did it made one stupid mistake...

shrdlu 28

I remember one carpeted bathroom, because my cigarette burned the carpet.

It happens. Grew up with carpet there for 15 years. Finally remodeled with marble tile and dang it is cold now.

There is carpet in both my bathrooms. I thought it would be gross but it's nice and warm on my feet. I do want to get it replaced with tile though.

pablopoo 7

Cool gf haha has humor ur lucky:)

Sorry about your floor OP, hopefully she will be the one cleaning up the mess once she sobers up.

LoganBurrito 6

If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat.... And the floor.

Was she singing, "Anything you can do, I can do better.."?

And that is when you let her pass out on the bathroom floor for the night.

eh? just cus she's going to the toilet doesn't mean she can't hold her drink! puking is different but wee?

i think she succeeded on urinating standing up, but failed while attempting to get it in the toilet bowl. Also, some girls can do this. i bet Op's missed the bowl once or twice in his life

Men ALWAYS get a little on the seat. Like when their flow is just about done and it turns into driplits... And then when they decide to shake it before putting it back. .... I always wondered why they do not use toilet paper to dry off the little remainder when they are finished... Who wants to walk around with little drops of pee in their underwear?! Meanwhile how disrespectful it is since the girlfriend is probably getting ready to put it in her mouth soon. Haha...gross, now that I think of it....

Because it looks kinda prissy to wipe it off after. Plus, we gotta keep that scent wafting about.

daydreamer244 13

Drunk people are just so damn funny.

No matter how jealous of us males you all may be, it WILL end in disaster.