By dxplq876 - 17/03/2009 03:13 - United States

Today, I was walking out of the grocery store and out of no where, a car backing up pretty fast speeds downs the parking lot and hits me, causing me to fall down and drop all of the groceries. The woman jumped out of her car, not to help me, but to carefully check her bumper for scratches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 908
You deserved it 4 674

Same thing different taste

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What a ******* bitch. It would be nice if her car got hit by a train with her in it and the driver started freaking out about running late.

that's happened to me before. a woman reversed into me, and didn't even get out of her car, she just drove off. some woman standing 5 feet behind me was even screaming.


that's happened to me before. a woman reversed into me, and didn't even get out of her car, she just drove off. some woman standing 5 feet behind me was even screaming.

the_s1w 0

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You can sue for that you know? Pedestrians technically have the right of way in a parking lot.

What a ******* bitch. It would be nice if her car got hit by a train with her in it and the driver started freaking out about running late.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You should break her side view mirror for that.

This is always why I get help out, even when I'm buying a 6pack. They always ask so always say yes. That way either the bagger gets hit or we both do.

You should've kicked her ass while she was looking at the bumper.

yeah shes a bitch.... sounds like karma will get her back soon.. btw have u done anything really wrong lately??? maybe karma paid u a visit!! lol joking... well i would have thrown my crushed groceries, preferrably milk at her ugly fat face and tell her "well u know u should look livid after trying to run me over u know...."

Oh wow, what a ****. #6, how do you suppose the OP could just jump up like they do in video games then bust the woman's arse?

aupilot 0

Get the plate number and get yourself a plaintiff's lawyer. If there are witnesses, you are sitting on a goldmine.