By Anonymous - 11/06/2011 00:14 - United States

Today, I was swimming at the water park, when out of nowhere a lifeguard bombed into the pool, grabbed me, and hauled me to the surface, running his hands over my chest in the process. Apparently, the way I swim makes it look like I'm in my drowning death throes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 435
You deserved it 7 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was running his hands over your chest? hmmmm.... I don't think his intentions were to save your life.....

jennifer93 0

hey at least you know the pool has lifeguards that do their job!


lyndz_20 8

LMFAO!!! oh dear,thanx for that funny visual

claudia8D 0

who says he didnt do it just to feel you up? O.o

kaykay20 0

If your single and the life guard was hot its hard to see how this was such a fyl scenario. Guess all the people freaking out would be a bit of a turn off though and a bit startling.

dillies 3

i would love it if a hot man in a red tight speedo came to save me

haha why yes, I too would hate a lifeguard doing their job. Instead of being annoyed that he "felt" you up and that he thought you were drowning, be thankful the lifeguards do their job and if you were drowning he would have saved your life!

as a life guard If you look like your going under man I will jump in lol

hey, be grateful it was warm enough to go swimming. it's been cloudy and cold!

emiliewhlrs402 0

he was tryingg to get FREAAKAYY!! lmao [: