By anonymous - 20/06/2012 14:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I was so out of it from a lack of sleep and an accidental antihistamine overdose, I tried to offer my cat a cup of tea, and actually got pissed off when he didn't reply. It took me a good five minutes to understand what just happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 134
You deserved it 6 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of cat doesn't want a cup of tea?!?!

gTOtheT 7

Yeah I hate it when I overdose and my cat won't take my tea. So rude.


Yes because overdose is always "accidental"

gixxergirl74 5

Too bad it wasn't caught on video.....:0

And this is precisely why the cheshire cat is never invited to tea! Harrumph!

Yeah, well, I guess it just wasn't his cup of tea.

Yea my dog wont take the coffee I offer her, and I'm not sure if it's cause she wants milk and sugar in

Your cat must've judged you like no other

bizarre_ftw 21

*Robin Williams voice* Come with me my friend...

Maybe it wasn't the right kind of tea. My cat actually will occasionally lick up some spilled Earl Grey but won't go near any other kind unless it has milk in it. Next time you trip just ask it what it likes :D