By Anonymous - 04/09/2010 19:16 - United States

Today, I was on a plane when I suddenly felt the need to use the toilet. I didn't make it in time and I had to spend the remainder of my trip in soiled clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 844
You deserved it 16 266

Same thing different taste


holaworld 0

ohhh wow that's just sad. I'm sirry

Pooper_T_fml 0
perdix 29

Your stench probably improved everyone's dining experience.

imababeee 0

Maybe she has a bladder problem. Geez.

spoke1396 4
skyttlz 32

I don't know why they call them Depends.... they're not very dependable LMAO

oshi16toofly 0

I feel bad for the person who sat next to you

How do you not hold it? If you have some control issue why didn't you request a seat by the bathroom? Typically if it's a medical thing, they'll move you or you can request your seat when you book the flight.

if it was a thing she knew could happen you would think she would take some spare clothes in her bag just in case...