By Syferix - 18/03/2009 22:42 - United States

Today, I was leaving to go over to a friend's and my parents suddenly ask if I'm gay. I reply that no, I'm bisexual. My mom then asks if I've ever made out with someone of the same sex and I say yes. She turns to my dad and says 'I told you so. You owe me $20'. My parents bet on my sexuality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 646
You deserved it 27 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fail_truck 0

Your parents are awesome. Lol.

#5 why is that terrible? His/her/whatever parents have a healthy view of sexuality (i.e., that it's completely trivial). I'm with 4 and 6. Would you rather their parents shun them for being gay/bi? Honestly, this is something my parents would do, and I would laugh along with them, because it's hilarious.


ahaha gaay! your dad prob didnt want to believe it!

troyboyd05 0

Bi girls are always hotter then straight girls. Better chance of a threesome with 2 girls.

alien491 0

men can't be bi your either ab outcast fag or a lovable straight

You realize, of course, that if you take the literal meaning of "gay fag" it means "joyous cigarette" and if you take the slang-ish meaning it means "homosexual homosexual"? Either case, it's one of the most ridiculous constructs out there in use. You can be a narrow minded bigot all you want, but at least make sense doing it.

zakkyzebra 11
melissamoshh 0
fail_truck 0

Your parents are awesome. Lol.

stickitystickman 0

LMFAO ahahaha *epic face palm*

llSgtScopell 0

Thats not really a FML, they could be those psycho religious nuts who would disown you and attempt a exorcism. At least they are understanding and have a sense of humor.

mylifesucks_alot 0

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how is that terrible your life is terrible

Hey it's not thar bad, my cousin and I are vetting on my aunts sexuality.

allstar809 4

Not terrible at all. It's good that they are accepting at least.

#5 why is that terrible? His/her/whatever parents have a healthy view of sexuality (i.e., that it's completely trivial). I'm with 4 and 6. Would you rather their parents shun them for being gay/bi? Honestly, this is something my parents would do, and I would laugh along with them, because it's hilarious.

Yeah, your parents sound kinda cool. They don't care, and they have a sense of humor. Your life = not so bad.

someone had an fml like this. before when i wrote something like this on another fml that was exactly the same as another, they moderated my comment. fml?