By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 20:13 - United States

Today, I was fired for actively seeking employment with another company. Because of having just been fired, the other company will no longer give me the time of day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 190
You deserved it 4 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only way they could have found out that you were looking for another job is if you A) mentioned it or B) used your current boss as a reference. In either case, you're an idiot.

Psych101 9

And also well established means of producing a regular income to support oneself and possibly family. You got the main points though.


blunttobluntest 12

Now you can spend all your time looking for one!

People are losing jobs over way too many stupid things lately.

Why do bosses try to act like they're your girlfriend? "*sobs* If you can't stay commited to this relationship, then we're through!" So what if OP was looking for another job? Instead of being a bitch and firing OP, they should be looking for new employees to prepare for when OP leaves. FYL.

CharresBarkrey 15

64 - 47 is saying they DO hire for retention, and get mad when employees look at other companies.

If the job is unionized, you can't hire for a job that doesn't exist yet, there has to be a vacancy

bach2121 13
echosaints 5

Well that seriously sucks balls...

Why the hell did you tell the new company you got fired in the first place?

well then you shouldn't give them the time of day! hmph. And next time, keep your mouth sealed

YDI. You can't let the company you work for know that you are looking elsewhere.

I don't think they're allowed to fire you for looking at other jobs. FYL.