By karlajjjjj - 25/10/2013 12:19 - United Kingdom - Cold Ashby

Today, I was cycling home when I saw my sister, who lives a 4 hour drive away, walking past me on the path. I turned my head and called to her, causing me not to notice the pothole in front of me. My front wheel went in and I went over the handlebars. It wasn't even my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 328
You deserved it 11 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that must have been embarrassing...

Braking before turning your head might have worked better. Just a thought.


Riding a bike requires you to pay attention.

That sucks but I think we all have done something stupid like that lol

You couldn't have just stopped and look like a normal person?

Hopefully you got this girls number, unless your sister is ugly.

Rainhawk94 27

Are you implying op is male? Because she's not

Hey, hey. Women can like women too. Having said that, I don't know why anyone would want to go out with someone who looks just like their sibling.

Wizardo 33

Hopefully you were wearing a helmet OP, next time just pull over if you notice someone and flag them down.

Kn0wledge123 21

Even though I find it really annoying when they do that, not all cities have them. Which is even more annoying.

Grauncho 27

You really are the other sister.

And why exactly would you think it was your sister when she lives 4 hours away? One would think she'd let you know if she was coming around. Next time, please think before you do something dumb.