By May - 04/09/2011 04:08 - United States

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend masturbating furiously. To Star Trek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 804
You deserved it 6 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments


XxHoPPoxX 8

Ohhh.... That's just nerdy. Antiques roadshow is what all the cool kids ********** to.

Nothing disturbing about that. Spock is pretty easy to ********** to.

It said star trek not star wars...35

XenaWP 6

Those ears always get me going too...

When ever I think of this FML, I imagine the guy from Family Guy Star Trek Episodes walking in and saying "Hello!".

Hmm, Antiques Roadshow? Probably the only time 1000+ pounds will make you harder.

I agree with you on this... :o OP: What did he say to you after you encountered this?

Which one are we talking about here Original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise or movie? It makes all the difference.

Either way, there's always that one hot alien chick that makes some guys shoot more than their laser guns.

maz_irken 6
maz_irken 6

Besides, he could be watching the episode with the Orion love slave?

RedPillSucks 31

@71, Masturbating to Captain Janeway, or Kirstie Alley when she played a vulcan is good. Masturbating to Kirk, or Jean-Luc Picard, not so much

MissBunnyWillEat 11

His penis was yelling "Beam me up, Scotty!"

So how long or how much you been thinking about this FML

lilhardrocker 2

I bet it was to Seven of Nine from Voyager.

Not if it was the 2009 version. Have you SEEN Zoe Saldana?!

mshoes12346 3

did he name his dick spock too? ;)

EnEl_Infierno 15

At warp speed mr. spock, set wepons to fire, as we exit into enemy territory, fire all. Make the federation proud.

sourgirl101 28

Named Spock and gave his **** the Vulcan Death Grip! (:

Was he trying to reach warp 10 with his dick?

Cant see why this was posted on FML, its illogical.

KatherineAnne 7

Hahahahaha. I love star trek the new movie I never saw the show

Shadowvoid 33

So by default, you don't actually love star trek... Nice try though

bryce0110 23

You cant love Star Trek and have not seen the show. The show is better than the movies.

EnEl_Infierno 15

Well that vucaln chick is pretty hot.

Tapol, not sure if I spelled it right...but, yeah....she is. :)

RedPillSucks 31

Seven of Nine!!!!! Totally ********** to that. I'd cut a little hole in my TV and electrocute myself.

cIickhere 5

Then just walk out pretend nothing happened or help him out

I don't think anyone 11 or under would know what Star Trek is...

Sunny_Eclipse 6

Why should they? Come on now.

Excuse me, but when the **** have you ever met an 11 year old boy who is that into star trek, in 2011... Because that would be the most bad ass kid ever.

My friends brother. He's 10. And because Of his dad, he has heard of, and enjoys watching start trek.

SimpleMinds_fml 7

Not a whole lot of guys are masturbating at 10-11....

maz_irken 6

I'm a 14 year old girl and waaaaaay to into Star Trek then I should be!

102 - I am too, but I'm 15. haha My obsession started early though.

I'm a 14 yr old girl too and I love star trek. :D

u wouldn't date half of the men you date if you knew what they jerk off too. that's our time. we start at a bery early age of touching our junk. its natural. yes even before puberty, well before it, i recall doing it before age 10. she should have knocked before walking in.

Im2Handsom 1
xcrashxloved 0

better star trek then the golden girls..

crazychick1269 7

hey! watch it! my friends and I remade the golden girls at our high school except well they're young of course:D

harrywestt 0

You make a good point. But either way their both wrong.

Who hasn't fantasized about getting a gum-job before? Granny's got mad skills in the sack! I have to go burn my retinas with a soldering iron now. *shudders*

greencrippler01 0

I'd rather go with golden girls "oh Betty white" hahaha

U sure it wasnt the 'sasha grey' star trek parody? :P

maz255 10

seen it, tied a rope around my neck, tried to choke while i pleased myself.... then laughed at it