By yepintheladiesroom - 07/06/2014 21:37 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I used a public toilet. After I did my business in the stall and walked out, I was confronted by the sight of a man standing on tip-toes, holding his penis up to the automatic hand-dryer. Doubt I'll get that image out of my head any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 733
You deserved it 5 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grogers311 20

That's one way to get a "********"...

Guess he was trying to get a ********


btrag97 13

You gotta do what you gotta do

Did you report him for indecent exposure? I am not sure if you guys have a sex offender registry in the UK, if so, he is probably on it.

sparty48910 5

How do you know it wasn't decent. o.0

I really don't care when I get down voted, but really?! The man is in the ladies room exposing his penis! That is something most people don't want to explain to their little child.

TheNiceOne 20

I was eating cereal when I read this. FML

Nice try, but I think I'M the one eating cereal here. (Consult my profile picture).

BlueFlatts 20

I think getting the hell out of there would have been the better course of action rather than trying to reason with a super weirdo.

At least it would have been an interesting conversation... Intelligent; no.

31, I think she should have maced both his heads.

It could have dropped in the toilet, but that wouldn't explain standing on tip toes.

He was on his tip toes so the hot air was closer to his penis

He was being environmentally conscious and didn't want to use paper towels...

Or maybe that particular bathroom was out of paper towels.

"Um..... (clears throat) thought this was the men's room....." turns and walks away!

RedPillSucks 31

*looks at profile picture* Yells "hump day, yeah!!!" as he's leaving.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Gotta get what you can lmao