By :x - 03/02/2016 15:40 - United States - Richmond

Today, I tried to be sexy by pulling down my girlfriend's panties with my teeth. I didn't expect to be faced with the mother of all shit stains and start gagging so bad I nearly puked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 899
You deserved it 5 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ananicosia 28

Time to educate your girlfriend on personal hygiene


slim_immy 7

when I first read this, I was so expecting... 'and then I puked on her crusty ******'

Everybody is saying "teach her to wipe". If I have to teach my woman to wipe her own ass, guess what? She isn't my woman.

its probably an old period stain that probably didnt get off while doing laundry! if you actually smelled shit.. then yes talk about personal hygiene to her or break up! :p

cloco87 22

That's a very shitty situation, maybe next time you could have your girlfriend shower before it's pants off, dance off.

You must have imagined it - everyone knows that girls don't shit

That is classic!!! I burst out laughing at that one, whew!!!!

why post your personal shit on here.... lol

Maybe she switched from wearing diapers a bit too soon.