By tracie - 22/09/2010 00:00 - United States

Today, I took my dogs to an empty park. While they were running around, I laid down in the grass to read a book. Someone thought I was a dead body and called the cops. The police and paramedics showed up. This is the second time it's happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 502
You deserved it 68

Top comments

gusgus36 5

haha WTF who sees someone reading and assumes it's a dead body without even going closer or yelling "hey! you okay over there?" or...something? were you in a really bad part of town where people find dead bodies frequently?


You could move away from the town where dead people read books....

guyjones 0

if it was an empty park, who saw you?

bjbrad69 0

did the cops check the guy who called cus he was probably high

Lmao! This made me laugh so hard. And #94, that's great. Lmao.

How does that even happen? let alone twice!

An "I ...what? dead" sign? Hahaha. What happens if OP actually died holding that?

It's a reference to a book series. I'm waiting to see if anyone gets it.

Heh, I was thinking that too... nerdiness ftw.