By Anonymous - 20/12/2014 14:41 - Australia - Edgecliff

Today, I took a late-night shower. When I got out afterwards, the bathroom door was ajar, and I could have sworn I heard the faint patter of footsteps in the kitchen. "It's probably the cat," I told myself. Then I went upstairs and saw my cat asleep on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 089
You deserved it 2 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it ran upstairs before you saw it in the bedroom

MzZombicidal 36

Only valid action is to hide under the sheets. Nothing can get you there. :P But seriously, I'd call the cops. You can never be too careful!


Call the cops, hopefully it wasn't anything bad..

Since it's Aussieland, it could've been some giant spider...

addictedtojuice 8

^ what? I'm trying to figure out how your comment relates to the comment you're responding to.

Maybe it ran upstairs before you saw it in the bedroom

1R1X0X0 10

Cats usually take their time before getting comfy in a place.. But I hope for Op that it was the cat ..

MzZombicidal 36

Only valid action is to hide under the sheets. Nothing can get you there. :P But seriously, I'd call the cops. You can never be too careful!

Obviously yes you can be too careful. If you wear bubble wrap with you everywhere you have something wrong with you.

Walk into the light! Straight into the light! No wait...stay away from the light. Yeah, AWAY from the light! Wait wait... Oh ****, I can't remember.

A DocBastard comment in the negatives??? Amazing!


This is one for the history books.

Allornone 35

sometimes great minds are misunderstood

I think it is away from the light Doc. If you walk into the light, you are dead.

MzZombicidal 36

No, no, no. You walk AROUND the light. Duh! :P

Throw a rock at the light. You are trying to sleep.

derpina72 23

In case some people didn't catch it, this is a reference to the movie Poltergeist.

Maybe it was Santa delivering your presents early.

santa who opened bathroom door while OP is taking shower? it is a pervert santa then :D

#43, he wanted to see if she was being naughty with herself.

Santa watches kids sleep...and even watches them bathe. He is a weirdo.

iTzSelverZz 14

Maybe the ghost who is haunting your house just went to get mid-night snack

Dodge4x4Ram 46

cold temperatures make wood Crack & make noises, find a logical reason & you'll forget about horror ideas

I don't think it gets too cold in australia

Depending on where in Australia you live it can get quite cold #68, but right now it's summer in those areas.


I want to know what actually happened next

d123454321b 14

Me too, this could make for a great horror story!

tehdarkness 21

Ill bet nothing happened. Most likely the door was never completely shut, and the footsteps were imagination.

badluckalex 23