By ouch - 24/07/2013 18:03 - United States - Sterling

Today, I spontaneously got my ear pierced. By spontaneously, I mean my 12-year-old sister stabbed one of her earrings into my ear while I was sleeping. She claimed the freckle on my earlobe looks "exactly the same" as the hole from her ear piercing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 341
You deserved it 3 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least now you don't have to pay someone to do it now.

Sinister child you've come across there.


12 years old? You'd think she'd not pull a potentially harmful prank like that...

xAkonz 10

You'd think that she'd be less of a dumbass at 12

Yeah, you'd think. But if there's one thing I've learned from this site it's that people always find new and exciting ways to surprise you.

By any chance is your sister's name Rhoda? (Bad Seed reference, anyone?)

From the thumbs down, I'm going to assume nobody got the reference.

I'm shocked you didn't feel it halfway in.

But the backs of earrings are generally blunt. I've never had a pair with a spiked post. If she thought she was just sliding it into an already-formed hole she shouldn't have been using the force necessary to get it all the way through OP's ear all in one go.

Usually when people get their ears pierced the earring that's used is sharper so it's easier for the piercing gun to get it in. Her sister might have been using one of those

salazara 10

hey she was doing you a favour!

imtooshy 18

My older sister pierced mine as a child with a sewing needle. I KNOW your pain! Just keep it clean OP and get the other ear done by a professional.

As long as your sister was careful otherwise!

Or take it out, and let it grow back.

imtooshy 18

Not everyone's ears heal from a piercing. My sister can go years without earrings and one day decide to wear them and they go in no problem but for me, my holes will close in days and I've gotta fight to get it to go in again. Everyone's different :-)

Now own that 90s one ear piercing like the boss you are!

cottoncandymango 17

Yes. The holes in our ears are really freckles. Of course.

Nothing spontaneous about that.. Ouch

NSN82 13

Take it out and clean your ear. Who knows how many germs were on the earring. The last thing you want is a swollen infected earlobe. As long as you clean it properly it should be able to close up without causing any problems.

XxTaliaxX 16

It might still swell up even if disinfected. OP could be allergic to the metal or just really unlucky (more so). I got my ears professionally pierced and one of them got so swollen the earring sunk into my earlobe. Had to be removed by a doctor. 3 years later it still acts up.