By dole_out_the_fml - 20/05/2009 17:36 - Canada

Today, I spent two hours making dinner for my boyfriend's family. When I brought it over to their house they said "thanks" and didn't bother to invite me to stay to eat it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 253
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least now you know they're not worth expending any effort for.


You should have said "Now that you saw my food I guess I'll be leaving with it, I just wanted to show you how delicious it was!!"


CHILL222 0

those r gonna be some douche inlaws

At least now you know they're not worth expending any effort for.

Rawrrr14 0

wow. What did they think, they could just order food from you and get it delivered? I hope they're nicer in the future....

meridon 0

Dayum. I'd like to learn how to be that crass. How did that convo go down? That is just plain interesting. FYL for sure, but they do have balls. Or they're trash, and should be dealt with as trash is normally done. Furnaces, gas chambers. Insert horrible torture here.

soundmind311 0

well i mean you made it for them right...? you shouldnt EXPECT them to invite you, although it woulda been a nice thing to do. its ok tho, no good deed goes unnoticed :]

geeze! you should've taken it back FYL, and sorry about the crappy boyfriend


You should have said "Now that you saw my food I guess I'll be leaving with it, I just wanted to show you how delicious it was!!"