By kmtau - 09/11/2016 21:38 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I showed my grandma my new septum piercing. Her only response was, "I hope it gets infected and your nose falls off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 012
You deserved it 4 789

kmtau tells us more.

kmtau 14

OP here. First of all, I'd like to let everyone know that I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion of septum piercings. That being said, I knew my grandma would not be happy about it but I did it anyway because I've wanted one for a long time. She did apologize shortly after saying this, and now she's gotten used to it! Yesterday when we were at a restaurant she reached over to fix it because it was crooked and has even shown me cute jewelry for it that she found online :)

Top comments

sorry OP but this made me laugh however what were you expecting your grandma to say?

Sorry, OP. Your grandma went overboard and shouldn't have said that, but I can see where she's coming from. In all honesty, I personally think septum piercings look very trashy, as well as the meaning behind them don't help. But if it makes you happy, then I'm happy for you and you should do whatever you want without caring what anyone else says. Good luck, OP!


sorry OP but this made me laugh however what were you expecting your grandma to say?

TheEpicKitten 20

Maybe she really likes Voldemort cosplay?

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Because some people personally like how they look. Why do people get any piercing or tattoo?

It's almost as if people have different tastes and opinions!

wait... people are allowed to do that, #12?

as others have stated, the people who get piercings or tattoos or any kind of body modification arent doing it to look cool to you, they aren't undergoing the pain of that for other people. they do it because they want to, because they like it. why do people wear blue sweaters? I don't think they look cool, just makes you look like a walking tear drop tbh. if you don't like them don't get one done.

Apologies for the unintentional down vote.

Sorry, OP. Your grandma went overboard and shouldn't have said that, but I can see where she's coming from. In all honesty, I personally think septum piercings look very trashy, as well as the meaning behind them don't help. But if it makes you happy, then I'm happy for you and you should do whatever you want without caring what anyone else says. Good luck, OP!

Rei_Ayanami 18

I did not realize they had a meaning. Would you explain it to me, if it is not an inconvenience? Thank you in advance.

I agree with what you said. Older adults look at piercings and tattoos differently. Some may accept and others do not. If I were you OP, I would just take it out when you go to visit her from now on.

screw taking it out. I got my tongue pierced years ago and a month after I went to my grandmother's. I just happened to have a nasty cold sore after fighting off a nasty cold (I'd gotten the virus as a child). She thought that I'd gotten the cold sore because of the piercing. I explained that it didn't hurt enough for the stress to cause an outbreak, to Wichita she replied that she meant that I'd caught the virus from the parlor (because they do dirty you know). 15 yrs later I still have the peircing and now also have my nose pierced (nostril not septum). They'll get used to it or just ignore them. sorry for the long post

MikaykayUnicorn 36

18 a one word answer is not sufficient enough here. "Slavery" doesn't tell me enough. Did they pierce their nose and drag them by it? Did they pierce their nose to mark them as slaves? Did they pierce their nose as torture? What the hell does it have to do with slavery?

Septum piercing were used on slaves in SOME cultures but that is not the entirely symbolism behind it at all. You can look at it being to do with bulls and solidarity, or tribal heritage or due to the hardcore scene even. Or you can think it looks nice (like I do, which is why I have mine pierced) It's people's bodies, let her do what they want

Lol. When I pierced my belly button, my grandma told me that I'd catch it on belt and my guys would fall out. I expected nothing less from her either.

If you're holding those guys hostage, you should probably let them go.

lexiieeex3 32

Southern hospitality at its finest.

It's one thing to hate it and say "remove it", but that puts the icing on the bitch cake!

When I got my first piercing (labret) my mom just told me that she is looking forward to the time when I stop liking it myself. I think that's a nice yet clear comment.

My grandfather asked me if my name was Bessy and if he could tie a rope to mine and lead me to pasture. Old people are great.

That's always my first thought on seeing a septum piercing. It's the only type of piercing where I can never understand why anyone wants it, because who wants to look like a cow? However, still wouldn't make me wish their nose gets infected and falls off.