By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 21:34 - United States

Today, I shot a paintball gun at a bees' nest. The bees flew through my neighbors' windows and, for lack of a better word, slaughtered them. An ambulance was called, and I feel like a total dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 498
You deserved it 62 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I pressed YDI after I read "Today, I shot a paintball gun at a bees' nest."


hotbill 4

i would of done the same thang

I wish I could thumb down your comment twice: once for the use of "would of" in the place of "would have" and once for the fact that you supposedly would have done the same thing.

Aw, leave that 13 year old girl alone! /sarcasm.

Ninjasaurus18 9

I love shooting guns at wasps' nests. Not bees' nests, though. Because bees are good for the world, but a wasp's only reason of life is to **** his hit up. So it's ok to ruin their nest.

Hey, look on the positive side, you'r an asshole

catkat1988 17

In the immortal words of Colonel Sherman Potter: "Listen, anybody would feel like a jerk if they had done what you did." What did you have to shoot paint balls at those bees for? What good could POSSIBLY come of that?

skyeyez9 24

I hope the neighbors didn't have small children.

blackblade 3
MeeshaMeeshaPup 8

As my friend once said, "Just because you have a dick, doesn't mean you have to act like one!!" :D

efro4472 1

OMG this its a rip off of my FML!!!! Why did his get published and mine didn't?

What did you think was gonna happen. Don't feel bad if you have shitty neighbors. If their nice then, well... shit happens. Take them out to lunch or give them a homemade cake or coupon or something.

EdwardC777 9

I understand. You just weren't thinking, and it was a stupid mistake that you wish you can take back. But you can't unfortunately, and all you can do is apologize and learn from your mistake. YDI, but I don't doubt that you feel awful