By leilei - 30/11/2010 00:25 - Philippines

Today, I refused to ride with a friend on a motorcycle because it is unsafe and went to take the bus. As I got off the bus, I got hit by a speeding motorcycle and ended up in hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 441
You deserved it 5 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments


how the heck can you possibly writ this if you got hit by a motorcycle????? r u superman!!??

it is unsafe? WTF, its perfectly safe if he can ride it

lol it would have been funnier if the one who was driving the motorcycle was her friend who offered her to ride with him xD

Dr_Soapynutz 0

Stop being a puss and take risks.

chucklessylsos 0

That's why you be smart an look both ways or go on your friends motorcycle.