By today - 17/03/2010 06:12

Today, I put on some goggles on in the pool, only to go underwater and see an old man "discreetly" jerking it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 105
You deserved it 4 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20
neopoliandreams 0


ruby84 1

you should've went up to him and loudly told him that he's jerking off wrong, and maybe give him some tips. that'll teach him

akkimber 0

did you watch to see what happens to Kizzy in a pool? what happens?

BooHaUrScared 0

that sucks, but it's 'jerking off' not 'jerking it' :)

omg lol that's so funny I would have pissed myself

damn that happens at my rec center that i work at too we call him whacker

it could have been worse....he could have been using you as inspiration

you just gave googling **** a whole new meaning