By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07

Today, I once again told my son he needed a job and a girlfriend because I simply could not keep him in my house anymore. He yelled, "No, I can do whatever I want!" Then went back to playing video games. He's 38. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 355
You deserved it 46 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Did you ever think about addressing this problem a little earlier?

YDI for letting it get that far. Just throw his stuff out and change the locks. The guy is 38 for ****'s sake.


SirPlagueRat 6
every1luvsvag 10

My mom kicked me out when I was four years old. Thats when I started prostitution. Eventually, I had seventeen girls working for me. I started to feel guilty for what I was doing, so to cope, I started mixing cocaine into my bottle. That took a little bit of the edge off, so then I started shooting bug juice. Things just starting getting worse from there. One day, while I was shopping for diapers, this other pimp came into the store and accused me of taking a few of his girls. He started shooting and I took three bullets to the chest. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital. A little later on, the police found out that I was a pimp. They then charged me. Being too young to go to prison, or even juvie, they put it on my record, permenantly. When I got out of the hospital, my mom came and took me home. Now, thirty-four years later, I still live at home. Because of the record, no one will hire me, I cannot get a girlfriend, and I can't rent my own place. I play video games all day because they allow me to be someone else, and I can forget my past for a little while. When my mom told me to get a job and a girlfriend, I freaked out and started reliving my past. I then yelled at her and started playing video games so that I could stop thinking about my past.

Pzml 0

why would you want to still live with your parents?

If you haven't kicked him out but by now you never will.

jenaandtyler4eva 0

why don't you take his things away and then tell him that you will get them back when you get a job and tell him that it ain't heathly to be doing that all day and one day he is going to thank you for what you did

you will appreciate this when you get old and need him. might as well play it smart and keep him.

Put him out. Grow a pair, cut the damn cord already, and launch that ass.

gb_chrs 2

the argument ends there?? he must be so spoiled... 1) throw him out of the house 2) throw all his things out on the streets 3) change locks 4) give him $3000 to start a new life, that should be enough for a few months, so he has time to find a job and a place.