By Ya - 10/05/2009 14:18 - United States

Today, I missed my flight because I was stopped by airport security. They found "small, suspicious, spherical objects" in my purse on the X-ray. After pulling me out of line, taking my purse aside and carefully opening it with tongs, they removed the bag of grapes I had packed as a snack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 267
You deserved it 11 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_witha_cape 0

yeah, if you bite into those things they could squirt someone's eye out

Jcsati8 0

If you pack baby carrots, will they think you are carrying ammo? Damn airport security!


they better watch out those grapes can be pretty dangerous I'll keep with with the tradition and state the obvious that I am #1

next time you'll reconsider those grapes, huh?

XYZzzzzzzz 0

Well, we all know just how suspicious grapes can be...?

I totally suspected they were anal beads while I was reading this post.

crzysk8r 0

Grapes are deadly weapons. Didn't Osama use those? (sarcasm)

dino_witha_cape 0

yeah, if you bite into those things they could squirt someone's eye out

SlightlySadistic 0

Haha, the way this was written amuses me. But FYL, that DOES suck. Airport security can get pretty ridiculous these days.

22cute 17

Oh yeah, my life is totally f'd because someone wants to protect my life. Wah! Reality check: preventing terrorism means you need to get to the airport earlier. The rest of the world has been doing it for decades. Deal

badluckalex 23
maddyeatssky 0

Hahah. I bet they felt stupid.

thatsbull95 0

The Grape Bomb is the newest form of bombs terrorists use nowadays. EVERYONE knows that. LOL JK JK

LemonMan 0

Good thing you said jk, otherwise I woul have tottaly believed you! Phew. >.>

Jcsati8 0

If you pack baby carrots, will they think you are carrying ammo? Damn airport security!

haha. that IS pretty ridiculous. airport security is suuuuper paranoid. to the point where it is beyond ludacris.

idontgiveone 0

ahh, well that gave Osama Bin Laden an idea. Great job airport securit guards.