By Username - 11/08/2019 16:00 - United States

Today, I have a horrible hangover. My mom also decided it was a good day to go hiking. I ended up puking on the trail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 833
You deserved it 1 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're at an age where you can be forced to go on a hike, you shouldn't be drinking that much. If you're at an age where you can drink that much, you should have probably told your mom to leave you alone. Either way, this is on you.

Slyfried 63

Partying with alcohol is a personal lifestyle choice and varies from person to person.


Mathalamus 24

You deserved it for drinking.

Slyfried 63

Partying with alcohol is a personal lifestyle choice and varies from person to person.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

That takes me back to the military, good times.

If you're at an age where you can be forced to go on a hike, you shouldn't be drinking that much. If you're at an age where you can drink that much, you should have probably told your mom to leave you alone. Either way, this is on you.

Did she decide the same day, or did you just not remember she'd planned on it in advance?

She probably got tired of your drinking and decided that walking it off is the best way to teach you a lesson.

drinking means you are hopefully over 21. i would have pled off being sick. YDI people do underage drink, so lets say you are not 21, and not 18 or older ... YDI

Mungolikecandy 19

Maybe learn to stop when you are merry rather than wasted and maybe take a non-alcoholic drink for every alcoholic drink and as it stops the dehydration and limits the hangover.