By santa_maria - 25/08/2011 21:45 - Reunion

Today, I had an interview for an internship at an independent lawyer's office. Hoping to increase my chances of being hired, I dressed up sexily with a short skirt, high heels, and ample cleavage. Turns out his wife handles the interviews. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 205
You deserved it 106 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. I hope you didn't get the internship for demeaning women like that.


Yes, because assuming things will always make things turn out perfectly right.

hannahmorgan06 7

better start looking for a new job....

red1355 6

Well if it helps. I would have hired you.... Lol

That is what you get! You should dress professionally you probably ain't sexy any way!

That doesn't mean it didn't do it's job it could work

If it did it's job I doubt this would be on FML

It's sad that OP's strategy often pays off, even in these modern days. Leaves more serious, better qualified people jobless while those in mini skirts take the jobs.

Yes, that is one of this year's hatchlings, and he's adorable! On topic, I think OP just needs a bit more self esteem. She probably has actual job related qualities that she could be hired for, and I hope she realises that :)

laff1234 4

Women like you make us all look bad. Do you know how many women can't get taken seriously because of twits like you. Be a professional, idiot.

XxDancerGirlxX 17