By scared for life - 29/01/2012 16:23 - United States

Today, I got to listen while my grandma, who has dementia and therefore a poor memory, explained to me why the old man on TV was a sex god. She forgot everything once she said it. I got to listen to her explanation five times over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 111
You deserved it 2 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

dementia is terrible!! it affects thousands of people around the world. how could you say that? dementia is terrible!! it affects thousands of people around the world. ass.

At least you can talk to her, be grateful she isn't completely brain dead. But I'm sorry that does still suck.


JukeboxValkyrie 19

At least she isn't telling you that you're her type.

Clamcreepy 7

My grandma has the same condition. It's sad to see her like that. Sorry OP :(

MissFits_fml 6

She's probably talking from personal experience as to why that 'old man in TV' is a sex god. loljk, OP. Wouldn't want to scar your mind than it already is. Umm... Change the channel to Jeopardy and enjoy her company as much as you can. :)

Have you seen the schticky commercial? "Tired of your shedding pussy?!"

eviegirl247 0

If I were her, I'd be happy to have someone like you:)

I would give anything in the world to have more time with my Grandpa, despite him not knowing who I was due to Alzheimer's. Your grandma having dementia...that definitely sucks & had you ended your story there, I would've been with you saying FYL, but you whining because you have to listen to the same story over again? Selfish, in my opinion, OP! Appreciate that you can still spend time with her & she is cognizant enough to talk about what she's watching, not having hallucinations. F your Grandma's life!

bubo_fml 10

When I was a kid, I used to hide my Granfather's dentures & wouldn't give them back 'til he whistled "Yankee Doodle Dandy!" He'd try to whistle but just make sounds like he's blowing up a balloon. Then, he'd get pissed off & wind up chasing me around the house his cane. Sometimes, he'd catch me & whoop my ass! Good times!

Shouldve walked away, she probably would've forgotten you were there in a couple of seconds.

Best thing to do... Considering she forgets, is either say that you already know he is a sex god when she starts talking, So she will think she does not have to explain hopefully (Sometimes they still get confused and explain), Someone said change the channel, that is a good idea cause she will just forget and watch something else. Or even just bring up a magazine or something so you don't keep coming back to this topic. In aged care homes where there is the dementia section, They will come up to you and ask when their mum or dad is taking them home. And you kinda have to humour them saying stuff like "They rang and said they are running a bit late. Your welcome to have a cup off tea and watch TV for now??" It sounds mean but it's how people are trained to deal with them.