By Anonymous - 22/09/2010 21:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I got into my car and realised that my CDs were no longer in my glove box. According to the police, the random key code for my car type has been cracked, and thieves can now let themselves in whenever they want. The manufacturer says they can't do anything about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 716
You deserved it 3 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eytanrodin 0

The manufacturer is lying. if they're too lazy to change it then they should disable it which they can also do. Is this a Ford product? If for whatever reason I am wrong, you have a major class-action lawsuit on your hands. Talk to the manager of the car dealership and tell them these things. I guarantee you they will play ball. Under absolutely no circumstances should you have to pay even a dime.

BoyBeyond 0

So tell the car company to take out the key code or the device the thieves are using to get in and manually use a key to open and close the car door problem solved genius.


BoyBeyond 0

So tell the car company to take out the key code or the device the thieves are using to get in and manually use a key to open and close the car door problem solved genius.

aeroliontvw 4

even if your vehicle doesn't use a code or have a chipped key, someone can still easily break in. car manufacturers only make a certain number of different locks and keys. don't remember what the numbers are for any certain manufacturers, but let's say I took my key to a used car lot and tried it in all the doors, if the lot had at least 30 Chevrolet vehicles chances are my key would open at least 2 doors. try it out if any of your friends have the same make vehicle and will let you. oh, some makes will even swap. I know Subaru and ford are capable, not sure of any others.

I second your idea #18 just remove the device that receives a signal from your electronic key and use the locks manually. alternatively, leave nothing in the car. they still need a key to get in.

you don't know what are you talking about. your front door keys cannot open any other lock except the one they are supposed to. its even more conplicated with cars and chip keys

then don't carry your savings around in the back seat. simple.

FirstBornUnicorn 0

Be grateful that only your CDs were stolen.

Bubbelz 25

So you would steal the seats heh?

hiphop_danca94 2

the stereo? or the steering wheel? or maybe even the headrests? hmmmm?

grow some balls and tell that mother ****** that he's gonna fix the ******* problem.

FYLDeep 25

I'm sure its possible to replace whatever unit controls that with a better aftermarket one.

DaisyPink 6

I hope you have them all saved as digital files. Do people still use discs? I'm sorry that happened to you. That's just terrible!

Schizomaniac 24

I don't think the CDs are the main concern here.

Depending on the age of the car, using digital files might not be an option. My car is 8 years old and has a CD/cassette player, but nothing to plug my MP3 player into so I keep burned discs or the original discs (since I have ripped all the songs to my computer, why bother having two copies around?) in my car.

ladyvader401 5

@Galex: If you have a cassette player, then you can get an adapter that looks like a tape on one end and a headphone jack on the other, and use your mp3 player through that. That's what I do, anyways. You can also get FM transmitters that will just broadcast whatever your mp3 player's playing at a frequency you pick, and then you can just tune your radio to the proper station. Good stuff!

I don't even lock my car. Nobody's bothered to steal anything.

Same here. My truck is such a piece of shit that nobody even bothers stealing stuff out of it.

I used to live in a bad neighborhood, so I'm used to locking the car. Now I live in this small town where everyone knows and looks out for each other. I keep telling my husband to lock the car, which is a POS and has nothing worth stealing in it anyways and he always says, "What are they gonna steal? Maybe they'll feel sorry and clean out the car." lolz