By Anonymous - 17/03/2016 13:21 - Netherlands - Ottersum

Today, I got a heads-up that my boss suffered a death in the family, but was coming into work anyway. I thought he'd be depressed, but it seems he deals with grief with anger instead. I found that out when he yelled at me, threatening to rip my spine out my ass over a typo I made in a report. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 883
You deserved it 1 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All you can do is grimace and bear it, it's an emotionally charged time for your boss, and he's bound to settle down eventually. Express your sympathies and try to move past it I guess

NomeDMF 17

He needs a healthier way to vent. A death in a family can always be a horrible thing to go through but regardless, he shouldn't take it out on you or other employees.


All you can do is grimace and bear it, it's an emotionally charged time for your boss, and he's bound to settle down eventually. Express your sympathies and try to move past it I guess

That may be so, but verbal abuse in the workplace is never acceptable.

However you can cut your boss some slack if they've just had a death in the family, it's pretty basic human decency

As I always say, depression is merely anger lacking enthusiasm. Go ahead bury me

tarlax 11

I was pretty indifferent until that rather pathetic "go ahead and bury me". You sound like you have crushing self-esteem issues. Or just a huge chip on your shoulder.

NomeDMF 17

He needs a healthier way to vent. A death in a family can always be a horrible thing to go through but regardless, he shouldn't take it out on you or other employees.

Aww. I feel for both of y'all. I guess that's his way of dealing with grief. Just lay low for awhile and try to not get on his bad side even when it's not your fault. He'll get better and past this phase. Chins up for both yall!!! Good luck!!

People grieve in different ways. I know someone who laughs when they're really sad.

Guys I think that was sarcasm. I could, of course, be wrong...

katachristic 19

Yeah people grieve in different ways but that doesn't make physical threats any less wrong or illegal.

I hope your boss finds healthier ways to deal with his grief. Personally, I take the old fashioned walk-along-the-side-of-the-road-and-shoot-BBs-at-cars approach. But I've heard going to the park and flicking kids on the back of their ears then looking away and whistling works for some people, too.

Huh. I've never heard about flicking kids on the back of their. ears. I'll have to try it. Although I have always preferred tripping little old ladies in public when they least expect it.

Mathalamus 24

Well. That's hostile. Anger is one of the valid ways of dealing with a death, but there could be better methods for him. Also, ripping out your spine from the ass sounds hilariously painful.