By smidge - 02/06/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, I got a call from an ad agency offering me a job. I was so excited, because I've been looking for work for a few months now and really wanted to work for them. An hour later, they called apologizing, because they'd made a mistake and offered the job to the wrong person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 556
You deserved it 2 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa. That's like eating a chocolate cake in front of a starving man. So not cool. Good luck finding a job elsewhere!

i suggest you get yourself down to their offices late at night and throw a brick through their window the dickheads


That's really unfortunate! You poor bugger. But hopefully there's something better out there than that one. Good luck!

rakhil11 7

go # 57, niceness is good....

kpearsall 0

Pricks. Keep looking though.

I've been in this situation before. They called me, confirming the time for an interview. I let them know that I would be there on time and took a shower to get ready. I got out of my shower to find that they called back and left me a voicemail, telling me that the position was already filled. Asshats.

XxHU4LxX 0

You deserved it for being stupid!