By Dmessmer1 - 05/06/2016 08:37 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I gave my dad $40 and asked him if he can get me lunch on his way back home. Long story short he came back empty handed telling me it was my fault for trusting him with McNuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 109
You deserved it 1 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Geez, his lack of impulse control is not your fault. Tell him he needs to pay you the money back. You gave him YOUR money to get him to do you a favour, he failed at that favour, so now he needs to reimburse you.


ericanicole1 12

Omg can we all stop attacking the fact that it's McDonald's and all the shit about their nuggets. It would be the same principle if it was anything else, even worse stuff (ex. 'Well you shouldn't trust me to get you baby formula/socks/gas/alcohol/drugs/cigarettes') it's the principle behind the act, not the item that was asked to be purchased

Hybricide 8

Assuming he chose Nuggets for you and kept the rest, what place did you have in mind that lunch for one person is $40??

I once gave my mother money to go buy a pick three lotto ticket of 666 cuz it was Halloween. I gave her an extra $10 gas money too. (This was 1996 or so, and $10 was a lot for gas) She returned with cigarettes, and a beer cuz she thought I was throwing my money away. Those were the winning numbers. We became homeless a month later. That lotto money would have really come in handy.

At which point you killed her for the insurance money right?

Twisted_Angel 17

$40 is a lot of money for lunch, no matter where you go.... exactly what did you order?

Why would you give $40 to someone for something like McDonalds when a full, big-size combo runs for about $8-10...

Why are all parents on FML greedy, untrustworthy idiots? It's becoming a stereotype.

You were spending $40 on nuggetts??? ydi