By Lonely School Kid - 30/07/2015 22:35 - Canada

Today, I found out why I was always picked up last from school. My parents didn't want the other parents to find out I was their kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 609
You deserved it 2 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

catkat1988 17

Some day your parents are going to realise the reason why you're not visiting them in their nursing home: You don't want the children of the other residents to find out they're your parents.

this is beyond ****** up. if you want my email or anything to talk let me know


catkat1988 17

Some day your parents are going to realise the reason why you're not visiting them in their nursing home: You don't want the children of the other residents to find out they're your parents.

So they're the suspicious car sitting two blocks away, waiting for all the other cars to leave the premises.

I'm sorry that your parents are complete shitheads.

unwantedforlife 14

This saddens me so much. Parents should be proud and supportive of their children. When the time comes, you need to decide if you need that negativity in your life and maybe cut ties with them.

Just a couple theories, but unless we get more details it is just as valid as any other: Maybe they weren't embarrassed by anything OP did, maybe they just didn't have much money and dressed OP in used clothes and didn't want the other parents to know about their predicament. Or OP had a really strong rebellious phase in their teens and ran around dressed extremely punk/metal/hippie/emo or any style that just looks stupid when overdone. Whatever reason, since OP just yet found out the reason they probably didn't let it show, and it doesn't say that they don't love OP.

No matter the reason, it's bullshit. You are embarrassed to be seen with your own kid. Not just if they do something stupid, just anytime. That's ****** up, they shouldn't have had a kid if they couldn't accept them.

Do they drop you off really early as well?

That is mean. What the heck would make a parent be like this?

I'm sure you're a great person OP! That's really messed up of your parents.