By Curles - 17/08/2019 04:00 - Norway

Today, I found out the room I've been sleeping in has black fungus growing on the wall behind the bed. So, that's why I cough until it feels like my lungs are coming out in the morning. Mystery solved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 856
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes, I think this post was ghost-written by me ten years ago. OP - If you haven't already, get to a doctor and get checked out. Even if you're clear, expect to be feeling the effects for years to come. For a long time after I had the mold removed, any cold I caught turned into the lingering cough from hell.

Emiweb 9

I had similar in a rented property with a terrible black mould problem. The spores are in the air. Keep the bed a couple of inches from the wall, but first get rid of the mould and ventilate the area so it dries out. I mean, you've probably sorted this out by now but perhaps somebody reading this may need the advice.


slowhandjp 16

Yikes, I think this post was ghost-written by me ten years ago. OP - If you haven't already, get to a doctor and get checked out. Even if you're clear, expect to be feeling the effects for years to come. For a long time after I had the mold removed, any cold I caught turned into the lingering cough from hell.

Emiweb 9

I had similar in a rented property with a terrible black mould problem. The spores are in the air. Keep the bed a couple of inches from the wall, but first get rid of the mould and ventilate the area so it dries out. I mean, you've probably sorted this out by now but perhaps somebody reading this may need the advice.

Trinity Fenwick 7

if you own, then you gotta tear out the drywall.if you rent, then you're gonna be rich. SUE.

TheCrazedHare 7

Please go to the doctor, that is actually how I developed asthma. I got super sick and really bad pneumonia, got asthma. You never know be safe!!!