By makehimscrubit - 14/09/2016 03:18 - United States - Hawthorne

Today, I found out the guys I live with have an ongoing contest to see if they can hit targets on the inside of the toilet lid with urine when they pee. I could forgive this in my seven-year-old son, but not my forty-year-old husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 140
You deserved it 1 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do this. I have printouts of my least favorite people, and try my best to hit them. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and learned after the first dozen times to tape the pictures to the /inside/ of the lid.

"…they can hit targets on the inside of the toilet lid with /urine/ when they /pee/." The specificity is appreciated, OP. Otherwise, I would've assumed they used squirt-guns filled with Gatorade to hit targets while they peed.


I do this. I have printouts of my least favorite people, and try my best to hit them. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and learned after the first dozen times to tape the pictures to the /inside/ of the lid.

Oh man, I'm starting to regret sending you that selfie you requested…

It's okay, Trip. I made copies so I just replace your photo daily. I'm hygienic!

Well, that's a load off my mind. Hey, I just realized why you were so intent on me having my mouth open in the photo! Dandy…

A mans worthiness can be measured by his accuracy and range

What does it mean if the dribble splits into three? I'm asking for a...friend.

ham814 8

lets not forget the altitude can also be inpressive

if all three streams make it into the bowl your good, your accuracy score is still 100% its when the one stream flys off at a 90° angle and nails the shower curtin... no good man.

Le_ponderer 14

Do as your username suggests and make them take off the targets too. That is not what water sports means...

Well at least they don't have shit contests...

"…they can hit targets on the inside of the toilet lid with /urine/ when they /pee/." The specificity is appreciated, OP. Otherwise, I would've assumed they used squirt-guns filled with Gatorade to hit targets while they peed.

Are you upset that your husband is not letting your son win? Or do you want him to beat the kid to show how the world really works?