By oops... - 03/04/2017 17:57

Today, I found out that the odor-absorbing gel I found a few days ago, of which I'd thoroughly read the instructions for and thought was a deodorant, was actually a bathroom cleaner. I've been using it for the past 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 442
You deserved it 2 077

Top comments

How does "apply internally" sound like deodorant? your arm pits are external...

AnthonyCS5 19

So, you "found" some gel and decided to use it on your body as a deodorant? Sounds like you deserve it!


AnthonyCS5 19

So, you "found" some gel and decided to use it on your body as a deodorant? Sounds like you deserve it!

FangirlMess6 10
species4872 19

Yeah, and he got rid of the bath ring from around his arse as well.

How does "apply internally" sound like deodorant? your arm pits are external...

ImminentDisaster 12

I think he meant a warning against applying it internally

I'mma hazard a guess and say that the "instructions about applying internally" included the word "Don't".

species4872 19

So I suppose you're feeling a little flushed about now.

This is why we have Darwinism. To weed out idiots like you.

You couldn't have read those directions too "thoroughly" if you thought cleaner was deodorant. YDI

ezrajab 22

I see a bad rash in your future op

you've been using it for 3 days. I'm assuming it's working, and if it works, it works.

you obviously did not read the instructions thoroughly.