By WhatTheBleep - 09/04/2011 04:02 - United States

Today, I found out that my now-ex slept with his not-so-ex the day before our wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 440
You deserved it 3 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow...what a jerk. This guy reached a whole new level of being an ass. He cheated on you the day before the wedding? Why the **** did he wanted to marry you in the first place? Ugh, he's such a pathetic loser. OP, I feel sorry for you, I really do. The only positive thing is that you discovered it and therefore never married that ass. Imagine that you found out about it in your honeymoon...But shit, it's still a ******-up situation. You lost your future husband, much money, many dreams, you have to explain this to your family, and so on and so on. It's totally ****** up. He's ****** up. FYL.

and the worst part is, when you're cheated on, you feel like the dirty one... people are such pricks sometimes. feel for yah!


he's you're ex....are u shocked? there's a reason he's an ex

I'll never understand why people agree to marry someone they have no intention of being with. Especially if it's the guy who cheating... he's probably the one that made the decision to propose!

This is exactly why I don't ever want to get married. It's a dying tradition; nobody takes it seriously anymore. Most married couples are divorced within a couple of years (nowadays). I'm so sorry that that happened to you, that's bullshit, and there is no excuse whatsoever. I get 'wedding jitters' and 'cold feet' where you think that maybe you're not making the right decision, but cheating is a completely different level. I'm just glad that you found out, stood strong, and left that cheating bastard!

KingofHearts215 0
Amphysvena 11

i said you deserved this because you thought it was a good idea to use the phrase "not-so-ex."

abasio 1

that's nothing; I slept with a prostitute on my honeymoon.

Exactly what I was referring to [post #78].

and where was your wife? while u did the ***** or was the ***** your wife

Bachler party LOL, jk srry about what happened

oklaboy99 0

I'm glad I didn't marry the ***** when I found out she been ******* other guys behind my back.