By blah - 19/01/2016 20:53 - United States - Frisco

Today, I found out my father didn't have a rare brain disease, and that he was just an alcoholic. I've been taking care of him every time his "brain disease" acts up, for 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 600
You deserved it 3 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn't you notice the smell of alcohol but FYL

Your dad might be a dick, but you're a special kind of stupid. How did you not notice the stench of alcohol coming off his mouth?


Oh wow you've been duped big time OP, now time to get back at him

Didn't you notice the smell of alcohol but FYL

Punctuations, they make everything easier.

sylvienoir 18

Punctuations; if only you use the correct one.

I am here to apologise for my lack of punctuation. If anyone is upset or distraught I deeply regret what I have done. I'm sorry

Redgy22 26

Apology accepted. Now lets eat grandma!


amileah13 26

Did he tell you that he had a brain disease just so you could take care of him? How did you find out that he was faking it? That's really sad op I'm sorry that's happened to you

You never once googled 'his rare brain disease' to see if you could help more?

there's nothing you can do about the past and trying to get back at him would just be immature. just stop funding his addiction.

he needs rehab man! sorry op, I hope it gets better.

Honestly OP at least now you know and his addiction can be properly treated and/or dealt with. It's a terrible situation and I'm so sorry for you, but your dad is lucky to have somebody like you to take care of him were he actually ill.

Your dad might be a dick, but you're a special kind of stupid. How did you not notice the stench of alcohol coming off his mouth?

I agree, but who wants to look their dad and the eye and accuse them of lying about brain disease? They might not have had a reason to not trust their dad (at least till now).

Maybe OP figured he drank a shit ton BECAUSE of his rare brain disease

I've worked at a rehab facility for the past couple of years and it's actually not particularly uncommon for alcoholics to not smell like alcohol at all. Spirits like Vodka and Gin are very easy to conceal, and I've known creative alcoholics who would give themselves 'alcohol enemas' because its absorbed much faster and theres no smell. It's supremely harsh to call someone who was caring for their own father in good faith 'a special kind of stupid' when they probably had no reason not to believe him.

they can be fatal - IIRC someone earned himself a Darwin Award with the aid of a couple of bottles of sherry and an enema kit.

Alcohol can be fatal, period. The man you're talking about consumed around 3 litres of alcohol in a matter of minutes. Anyone would likely die if that much alcohol was absorbed into their blood so quickly, no matter how it was absorbed. The problem with enemas is that they can be deceptive, more alcohol enters your blood stream because it bypasses stomach enzymes that would otherwise break down some of the ethanol.