By TTR - 13/11/2011 00:36 - United States

Today, I finished a very important but annoying presentation that took four hours to complete. Only after writing a paragraph to explain the presentation and sending it to my boss did I realize that I saved the document as "Shit I have to do to get a promotion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 916
You deserved it 44 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FinJage 18

Don't worry. Your boss probably saved it in a file "Shit I have to read".

FYLDeep 25

I hope the presentation wasn't about the importance of attention to detail and quality control.


Although you only did it to get promoted, at else you did it.

Vowels for sale. Get your fresh vowels, only $1 or 5 for $4. Can I tempt you, good sir?

Lol you deserved it for not actually saving it as a proper file name for work.

That's what you get for being a smart ass

KiddNYC1O 20

Would "Company Presentation" have killed ya?

Cross your fingers and hope your boss has a sense of humor. I'm always tempted to name my files like that with the intention of renaming then before sending, but knowing me I'd forget. A gf of mine saved an english paper as 'stupidho.docx' and sent it by accident. Somehow it never got back to her, but her call was close enough to discourage me from ever doing that.

AmaDeann 3

that's brilliant! i have that problem all the time. i save things under the strangest names.

bubo_fml 10

When "buckin'" for that promotion, would you rather spend 4 hours preparing a report/presentation or 10 mins in your Bosses office taking "dictation?" Just curious...(fap...fap...fap!)

How do you not realize that when you are choosing which file to send ?