By Lucy - 21/07/2012 07:40 - United States - La Mesa

Today, I finally had sex with the guy I've been in love with for the past two years. Five minutes in, he passed out on top of me from a pain pill overdose and had a mini seizure. He finally woke up and groans, "Those bastards! They confiscated my clothes!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 585
You deserved it 5 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Starts having a mini seizure? My dear, are you sure he wasn't just finishing?

I highly doubt it. A majority of parents don't allow their child's name to be Dumbfuck.


Wonder what he was dreaming about..:p

And you didn't call an ambulance why?

That would have scared the crap out of me!! #_____#

For the love of God, fall in love with someone else. This is only the beginning of a whole lot of trouble is the OD-ed on pain pills the first time you have sex...

I'm surprise he didn't blame you (the real culprit) for steal his clothes.