By shilpajayseanfan - 24/02/2009 13:43 - Canada

Today, I drove into my school. Literally drove into my school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 256
You deserved it 54 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jason_fml 0

Maybe it's God's way of telling you you need glasses.

Haha, I heard that somebody drove into MY school today too!! Don't suppose you live in Doylestown?


I don't like FMLs with no information. It could be that you were just a victim of a car accident, I'd maybe you stupidly did it yourself. From the information you've provided in the FML, it seems to be 100% your fault. I'm sorry, though!

jaspiir 0

Can someone say sexitst, much?

In what? If it's a bike it's not really impressive :3 I'm hoping it was a tank.

its not an fml its stupidity you fat. ass