By Anonymous - 14/10/2013 18:19 - United States - El Paso

Today, I decided to start a new and healthy diet. When I came home from my run this morning, my family decided to show their support by buying takeaway food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 517
You deserved it 4 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you can beat this obstacle, you can beat many more. think of it as challenging yourself.

op doesn't HAVE to eat it. First step in practicing willpower.


How is that "showing their support"? They must've known it was unhealthy!

if i'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure that sarcasm was intended.

I realize that it was sarcastic, I was just saying the family is a being a bunch of dumbasses by "showing their support" with unhealthy food.

Do you not grasp the concept of sarcasm? Obviously the OP was saying that their family wasn't showing support by eating the food in front of them while he/she was dieting. Do you understand now, or do I need to be more blunt?

I may be mistaken, but I rather get the impression that that is the point of posting things on FML.

You're doing this for your self so overcome that obstacle. Then you can do everything that you want!

1dvs_bstd 41

Chances are if you can resist the delicacy, you're ready to diet and lose weight.

To be honest.. you are on a diet, not them. But it would be good for everyone to stop eating that junk. Maybe if you cook from now on you can actually control your healthy diet and what you are eating? It's hard but hang on there!

perdix 29

If they take away food from you, that could work.

happyfingers 15

What, just because YOU'RE going on a diet that means your family also has to? How about you practice some restraint and stop blaming other people for what you eat, hm?