By screewit - 20/02/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, I called my girlfriend and she answered telling me how amazing the sex was last night and she can't wait to see me later. I didn't see her last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 742
You deserved it 4 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cloudy_fml 0

Maybe she meant "last time"... =/

henrymeows 0

hoes... keep your pimp hand strong


Saodar 0
henrymeows 0

hoes... keep your pimp hand strong

impatientsnake 4

gotta keep them bitches in line

Darly_fml 0

If she told you about it she must have thought it *was* you... So either she got the days mixed up or ... something bizzarre happened with some other guy she thought was you, or maybe she just dreamt it! Better ask her about it.

she's a common prostitute smeared with the paint of seduction.

Well... If you called her, she knew who she was talking to. She confused the days, that's all! You may think she was cheating if she called you and said that, because she could confused numbers. BUT if you called her, i don't think there's nothing to worry about.

All i got to say is i hope you dont love her..... DONT LOVE HER!!!