By Anonymous - 25/01/2019 20:00

Today, I called 911 and got taken to hospital via ambulance after a suicide attempt. When I called my mom, the first thing she asked was, "How much is the ambulance going to cost?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 872
You deserved it 998

Same thing different taste

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As a person who’s been in the back of ambulances for the same reason, though I’ve never called for myself. Ambulances are expensive and after a certain point funerals become cheaper

onceuponatime456 16

YOU called 911? Sounds more like a whine for attention than a suicide attempt.

adelaine782002 17

For all you assholes saying that he is selfish, whining, seeking attention, try harder..etc..What the hell is WRONG with you!? I pray to God that you never have to go through this yourself! When we are wanting to die, we are wanting our pain at that very moment to ******* end! Mental health illness doesn't give us the logic to think completely at that moment on who or what we are doing or hurting...We just want the pain to end! The emotional pain!

For all you people saying it’s just a cry for help - when someone is crying for help shouldn’t you be helping them??? If someone about is to drown, calling out for someone to help them, no one would dismiss them as attention seekers. People have to start viewing mental illness as REAL illness. No one want to feel like there’s nothing worth living for, no one chooses to be sick. It takes so much for someone to get to the point where they’re ready to end their own life. It’s not selfish nor is it mean in any way. When you’re at that stage, you can’t think about other people, all you want is for the pain to stop.

No, we need to start viewing MH as a real field with illnesses that need addressed seriously. This isn’t the way.

I wish you so much happiness OP. This is. but a moment in time, on a journey, this moment is temporary and will pass. so take care of yourself. you matter, you are important and valuable. 'But even the hairs of your head are all numbered' Matthew 10.30

adelaine782002 17

hi op, I know where you are coming from. But instead of my mother, who passed away, it is the pastor at my church. I used to be deeply religious, I left my church 3 weeks ago. I had a severe head injury as a corrections officer for Missouri department of corrections. Now I have ptsd from that and past traumatic events that occurred in my life. I have struggled for ever with this. Been to numerous hospitals, and had a dr who thought pills and bury the underlying issues were the answer. At the time of his passing, I was on 14 different meds. My federal dr was livid and ordered the state to take me off the meds, because the old dr was trying to send me to any early grave. With that being said, now my ptsd episodes have started back up with intensity. So, now I am in group therapy and individual therapy..till I can deal with the trauma. My main point is that you are never alone. I to, struggle with dealing with the emotional pain on a daily basis. Please, please, do not bury it.. as painfully it may be, talk to someone. Other wise, you are a ticking time bomb and anything could set you with me...Much love..Anna

That would have been my question too. If you want to kill yourself, just do it and stop running up her bills, be considerate!

Unpopular Opinion: You called 911, it wasn’t a serious attempt and more for attention maybe to get the help you need. Though you think she’d be upset I think you also don’t see how selfish you’re being for something you didn’t follow through with. No one has $$ these days and an average ambulance ride costs between $800-$3K. That’s something your mother now is responsible for on top of trying to help you. I hope you get the help you need or at least keep others in mind next time.

PyroRepublic 4

Based on the fact that they themselves called 911 clearly signifies that it was a cry for help. Suicide "attempts" usually mean there is some help to he done and usually doesn't come from a person who is clinically depressed. It is in no way an acceptable plea for help. That being said speak with a trusted family memeber or therapist if you dont have one. To get the help you need or deserve.