By Jeri - 26/02/2010 12:55 - United States

Today, I begged my husband to take me to the ER cause my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. He told me to go sit on the toilet and stop being a drama queen. I drove myself to the hospital just in time for my appendix to burst. I almost died because my husband was busy playing xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 105
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious discussions about the state of your marriage and his level of consideration, care, and respect for you.

mattgotest2 0

Sad, sad. Someone should be in the doghouse for a while..


Someone is going to be in big friggin trouble. I'm so glad it isn't me :D

eat_this_buddie 5

sorry. you have a 13 year old for a husband. I would toss the xbox out the window.

Sun_Kissed18 25

while he watches, then sit him down and talk to him because divorce is not always the perfect solution, despite what you all say.

Batman4890 0

I used to be 13 in fact I was just a few days ago but for the whole year I was 13 nobody asked me to drive them anywhere... in fact if her husband was 13 I think she would deserve it for asking someone under the legal driving age to drive her somewhere. However you could have merely said "I'm sorry your husband is as immature as a 13 year old". Also I had grown out of my xbox at the age of 12 so for all you people getting annoyed at the sexist people, but also calling the guy a 10 year old thats stereotyping as well

really? either you're a terrible troll or an idiot. we aren't stereotyping him by calling him immature and uncaring; he proved us right when he nearly let his wife die. and of course he isn't 13, it's called exaggeration.

he is a moron and he doesnot deserve you.. kick him on his nuts..

Batman4890 0

would you drive a husband/wife (I don't know about your preference) to the A&E for a sore stomach? or would you give him/her pain killers?

most people don't carry around painkillers. and her "stomachache" would've probably been the worst pain she'd experienced therefore her husband is kind of a dick for not taking her in. In that state of pain, she wouldn't be whining or bitching, she would be straight up bawling her eyes out.

MissCharlotte_fml 26

Oh my god, it is ER. NOT A&E. That is a TV channel, NOT the ER. This is the second time you have called it the A&E. It even says in the FML "ER".

#626 it is called A&E in the UK, I think that's why people are calling it that.

187 - she said she felt like she was ****** DYING, not a normal stomach ache.

valitutto17 0

sounds like my type of buddy, xbox xbox xbox!!!!

yzaldana 0

She won't be having sex for a while anyways.

ZombieBunnies 0

Why? Did she lose the ability to use her mouth and/or make sammiches?

stop complaining and be happy that you made it. it's not an fml unless u dont make it

noobgang7 5

it's not about the appendix it's about her heartless husband

#27 Were you dropped on your head as a child?

What an ass! I hope you're doing better. I'd take the xbox from him. lol

afarr 0

In Soviet russia, you explode in appendix!