By pussyface96 - 19/09/2012 09:27 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I asked a girl I like to the movies. Wanting her to lean on me and stay in my arms during the movie, I chose a horror film. I screamed like a pussy the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 606
You deserved it 44 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

Did she let you stay in her arms?

Aww.. Well, I wouldn't judge you! Horror movies are scary no matter what sex you are!


Faye2210 9

You should have known you would.

SpeechQween94 14

A chick flick will get you more cuddling. Most girls love seeing the emotional side of a guy.

Next time, choose a romantic movie. Works way better and she'll probably enjoy it more.

20agram 13

You really should've thought that one through... did you forget you were afraid of scary movies lol