By hozzyandie - 14/12/2010 18:02 - Ireland

Today, at the office, everyone in my department swapped secret santa presents. I bought the guy whose name I picked a DVD box-set of his favorite TV series. One of my friends got a fancy make up kit. Another got a pack of posh notebooks. I got a toilet plunger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 688
You deserved it 3 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ninjafriends 1

That's not a toilet plunger, silly. One end is the suction cup to secure it to a smooth surface. The other end is for..... Have fun!

FYL. I would secretly steal someone else's gift. I mean, they don't like you anyway, so you've got nothing to lose..


Use it on yourself! You're so full of shit. :)

I happen to like Master's sexy new look. The Michael Jackson nose and the cat eyes just gets me excited whenever I see it.

wjjq13 0

i agree no one is that mean on the 12th

the_enigma1019 1

Pffft, a couple years after the last book, I killed Harry and took over the wizarding world. The muggle one is next. - the enigma

EvilCupcake8361 9
CondomSense 4

I guess they're just trying to flush you out

Ninjafriends 1

That's not a toilet plunger, silly. One end is the suction cup to secure it to a smooth surface. The other end is for..... Have fun!

NickK49 0

I guess I should make a punny comment

FYL. I would secretly steal someone else's gift. I mean, they don't like you anyway, so you've got nothing to lose..

Haha yeah! You've got nothing to lose but your job. :)

Oh, yeah, there's that. Btw DahkLohd, I'm still waiting for your visit!

Voldie, you're really disappointing me. Do you take pleasure in making women super horny and then refrain from any contact? You promised you would come tonight (in more than one way, too!), you promised! :'(

xShannonxSammyx 7

You remind me of Bellatrix. Book, not movies. She was so much more badass in the books...

I've given it some thought and decided I'm gonna take it as a compliment. Badass Bella kinda has a nice ring to it.

Aw, don't worry Doortje. I'll come soon enough! ;)

Maybe the person saw that you leave some big ass turds in the toilet at the office. And think you need it just in case at your house

randiZ25 0

use it on every toilet in the office then be sure to sit on it their desk and thank then for the awesome present!

How many times do I have to say it? It's about giving not getting, OP.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

I'm sure they weren't insinuating anything OP..... maybe they waited till the last minute and were in a rush at Wal Mart.