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By now what? - 08/06/2021 01:08

Today, after 18 years together, my boyfriend and I split up. I’m 32 years old and have only dated one guy my entire life. We built our whole lives around each other. I don’t even know where to begin to start over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 125
You deserved it 23

Top comments

focus on yourself for a bit. do the things you held back on. meet new people. go on adventures. it may be a big change and distressing, but you don't need a romantic relationship in order to be happy and time will sooth the pain of this one's ending.


focus on yourself for a bit. do the things you held back on. meet new people. go on adventures. it may be a big change and distressing, but you don't need a romantic relationship in order to be happy and time will sooth the pain of this one's ending.