Threat Neutralized

By Anonymous - 23/07/2018 18:36 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I farted so loudly in my sleep that it woke myself, my husband, and our cat. The cat let me know he was startled by clawing and biting the perceived threat, my bum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 309
You deserved it 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They say cats protect from evil spirits... Maybe you let out some demons without knowing it


No, that crosses into extreme Dad joke territory, and I'm nowhere near close to being a dad, so I kept the pun simple.

They say cats protect from evil spirits... Maybe you let out some demons without knowing it

And thus the term “Fart like an Egyptian was born!”

Curiosity may have killed the cat but he'll be damned if your fart kills him!

It’s amazing that cats instinctively go for the blowhole!

Donut_Wizard 23

Sounds like the premise of a half-assed country song.

The cat was just trying to save you from having another fart attack.


Your cat knows that you should never trust a fart.

Since cats typically nocturnal, maybe he was trying to shut off the alarm with his eyes still closed? Cat: “****, ****! Where is it?! So damn loud! Shut up!”

Maybe your fart was so rank that it was disoriented so it instinctively attacked the growling monster near it🤣🤣🤣